Our credo is simple - No more, no less.

Purpose built edged tools. High quality materials. As affordable as possible. APOC started as a collaboration project - working with famed sword maker Angus Trim to produce his excellent series of tactical swords with the same durability and functionality of his originals at a fraction of the cost. Our design team quickly expanded this basic idea into APOC.

A wide range of tactical knives, camp and utility knives, axes and accessories were designed and prototyped. Over a number of iterations the results speak for themselves. A wide range of wilderness / apocalypse survival tools to suit any number of environs and situations to see you through.

No bell, no whistles. Only what is needed and nothing more.

Little to no maintenance - In the field you do not have time for malfunctions or need to take extra tools for contingencies. APOC product’s simple designs can be a lifesaver. The black coated blades prevent against wear and corrosion. The G10 handle slabs will not come unraveled, shrink or swell with the humidity, temperature or the elements. The predrilled hole in the scabbard prevents water or anything liquid from capture. An Allen wrench set and a sharpening tool are the only companions you need in the field with your APOC products.

Ergonomic Designs - Its bad enough to have a hard job much less having a tool that is working against you or wearing you out using it. Much time and thought were put into the ergonomics of each piece to make sure the tool is doing most of the work. The molded G10 handles allow for ease of use with comfort.

9260 Blade Steel - Resilience describes what you need between a rock and hard place. You need a resilient steel to match your will. Strong, corrosion resistant, and a 94 hardness on the Rockwell scale, this steel checks all the boxes. 9260 holds an edge but its not a chore to put one back on it either. More than a spring steel, this steel flexes and cuts and gives as much as it can take.

Sensible sheath designs - With other manufactures the sheath or scabbard is an afterthought, a small valued added extra. Functional sheaths are one of APOC trademark features. More than just a transportation device to get you from point A to B. When appropriate some APOC products feature Molle Compatible sheaths to allow for different drawing positions on belts, harnesses or packs.

Just don’t take our word for it - Check out the product reviews on our APOC products online. We aren't manufacturing fantasy products for your wall but functional products that are practical, low maintenance and affordable for those just in case times.

Thank you for choosing to place your bets with APOC.